Xing Tian spins to win and set up a massive wombo combo that wipes the enemy team, Mercury saves Ra from an assassination attempt and then returns the pain for a triple under their tower, Herc pushes and pulls the enemy duo lane until they both break, Awilix brawls her way to a penta, and lastly Scylla escapes the Grasping hands of death from Anubis and takes Serqet's life as she runs towards grandmother's house. |
Wukong and Athena patiently eliminate their enemies one by one, Ymir uses Shards of ice to finish off 3 enemies knocked up by Kukulkan's Spirit tempest, Janus vortex's a quadra kill out of nowhere, Chang'e dances around a perilous wombo combo from above and turns it around, and then Mercury delivers an enemy Xbalanque with the help of the enemy Janus portal into his phoenix. |
Hou Yi's everywhere until one finally lands the double ricochete for a double kill, Zeus detonates a wombo combo for the penta kill, Arachne has her back to the wall and narrowly escapes, Mercury dives in and Scylla cleans up the rest, and Ne Zha wipes the entire enemy team with a triple kill. |
Nemesis and Thanatos kill each other at the same time, Medusa narrowly snags a quadra, Scylla is a monster and devours 4 at once, Mercury dives back in with 4 health for a double, Nu Wa finishes off Odin before she and Freya both escape to the sky but Nu Wa escapes with 13 health and Freya pays with her life. |
Vulcan shakes the earth with a triple, Loki kills Hou Yi and teleports away before Fenrir devours him, Kukulkan set's a whirlwind and spirit tempest trap in the jungle for a triple, Chang'e dances through a sticky situation, and Isis handles a 3v1 in joust just barely. |