

Chaac lot rain! 


Find out how to use this versatile warrior. You've probably experienced a lot of Chaac's just running straight at you.  Well, Find out how to do it back!

No Time for Chit Chat! Season 2 is arriving soon and there are some uncertainties as to what will happen with the last hitting and range of XP/Gold gains. We'll see what happens!


Don't Be a Ra Bot

Tools of the Trade is here with Episode 2! Anhur's pillar.


Don't forget to comment about some of the things you'd like to see, or the things that may have been missed in the episode!


FROST is one of new directors for InukiTV. Working along side Inuki, he will be providing you with some useful in depth guides. We both hope to dazzle you be providing a little more knowledge about certain things than your usual guides!

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