In this weeks console plays, Hou Yi turns the tables. Thor doesnt like being followed. Agni drops the flames. Anhur goes olympic spear thrower. Finally we end with Thor diving in! |
Bellona charges into battle. Janus uses his floating space legs to juke all day. Athena Guan Yu and Janus team up for some crippling CC. Serqet and Bastet group up as team super egyptian assassination squad. Ending off with a play from Tyr as he feeds his dragon friend Ao Kuang |
Here are the highlights from the seventh week of the SPL spring split boy are these weeks going by fast blink and you'll miss them. I like the clip from Pandcat's Artemis and Luminosity's wombo combo |
Hou Yi and Bacchus bring down some drunken suns. Odin uses his kung fu panda skills to juke. Geb and Ne Zha shows why you dont take their gold fury. Fenrir uses his sharp claws for major damage. Lastly Vulcan and Awilix cause chaos among the enemy |
Here are the highlights from the sixth week of the SPL spring split. I hope you enjoy :) |