You and your three friends are working hard on taking the Gold Fury. Doesn't take much to get utterly dissapointed! Muhahaha!
We'll be in the new season soon! All your submissions are still being accepted =) Thanks for the support! |
Some Jazzy Arachne plays! |
Seriously? You can jump out of Loki's ult? you know! |
The reactions of this Kali is pretty sweet. Most of us are usually browsing the store as soon as we hit recall. Arn't we? =) Yeaaaah we are! |
Ever wondered what happened to the voice overs on SMITE Random Moments? Well, as Top 5 Plays grows in popularity and other shows are being created. There has to be some creative cut backs. There are only so many hours in the day. It's unfortunate but I hope you can appreciate the plays! |