

Ullr and Osiris have a old fashioned beat down while their respective enemies just get in the way, Awilix pulls and flips around the enemy team patiently, Janus Kamehameha's Ratatoskr, Anhur leaps above the competition, and Anubis doesn't care about Ullr's attempts to leap away.


Bacchus and the Baby burp and bomb the lane, Ares pulls Janus through space and time, Xbalanque bolas tangle the enemy up, Thor dunks down onto the enemy team at gold furry, and Hou Yi drops bombs in order to survive.


Hunbatz teleports after Thor does to secure the kill and then Zeus chain lightnings Kukulkan and Sobek for the "cool guy" detonate. Xing Tian turns on Cabrakan while Mercury sweeps in to take on Isis for a quick turn around. Xbalanque manages to fend off a hungry enemy team with a timely assist from minions. Hou Yi and Bastet incinerate and claw their way through the enemy team with precision. The final play is Thor masterfully beating the enemy team 4v1 to defend his tower.


Frost walks you through gold sharing, why it's important, how it works, and why the 'meta starts' are the way they are. He also details the future of the series and recaps a bit of the past episodes.


Scylla takes a bite out of the enemy team, Artemis uses golden bow and traps to their full potential, Ratatoskr furiously claws his way out of a dicey situation, Janus makes a blind snipe on retreating enemies, then Aphrodite and Awilix tag team their way through, around, and over the enemy team.

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