
Mercury and Janus bring the sonic boom to the duo lane, Bellona becomes a one woman army, Ymir puts a wall of Nope up for Janus, Zeus lights up the enemy team in middle lane, and Thor defends a siege on duo lane with the help of his hammer.

Arachne spins a web in the corner and jukes until her fellow bug comes toS her aid, Zeus brings the thunder AND the lighting, and then Thor and Tyr set up for a wombo combo. Xing Tian baits to the tower and then spins to win, Isis lays down the law (aka Circle of Protections), and Anhur and Serqet assault duo lane. Wukong cudgels his way through the enemy team assaulting his tower, Zhong and Ratatoskr assault the enemy team at the gold furry, and Scylla takes a bit out of the enemy team (twice). The top play of 2015 is Awilix flipping her way in and out of danger with the help of Aphrodite. Let's look forward to 2016!

Isis and Artemis tag team their way across the map, Bellona's beads save her life, Hel and Athena are sieged seemingly forever under tower, Hou Yi ensures that no one survives, and then Osiris doesn't let Loki play around.

Bellona beats the enemy team into submission, Tusky has a mind of his own (but it works out anyway), Ares chains with his back against the wall, Ares sets up the Janus kamehameha, and then Kali and Freya both have a close call but only one survives.


Inuki counts down the Top 10 Plays of 2015. These are the most memorable moments voted by you, the viewers and Inuki fans! If you missed anything from last year this is the episode to catch up on or remember those epic plays that happened throughout the year. Onwards to 2016 and let's hope for even more epicness!

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