Scylla and Skadi lay a smack down. Ne Zha jumps around on his sash. Amaterasu sets Scylla up to dish out a triple serving of pain. Anhur gets his backup in the form of Aphrodite and a Thor flying in from the sky. Finally we end with Bellona showing off her angry side. |
Ares chains his enemies down, Ao Kuang shows them how slippery water can be, Fenrir's bark is bigger than bite, Hercules and Kukulkan team up to cause a healthy dose of death, finishing off with Scylla and Kumbhakarna causing a deicide! |
Hou Yi reminds Ao Kuang to always check your mirrors for arrows from behind. Awilix flips over the damage and delivers some serious spear pain. Chronos and Geb check their watches "it's kill time". Rama just pew pews everyone. Fenrir and Guan Yu team up for some puppy hugs and flipping tables |
Vulcan and Geb team up for an explosive combo, Neith weaves their fate into death. Ra shows them what a real laser lightshow can do. Kumbha send the enemy team back to bed And Ne Zha takes a solid hit for his team |
In this weeks Top 5 Plays. Scylla Crushes the opposition, Hercules weaves his way around, Raijin drums a healthy dose of damage, Thor escapes with a sliver of health. Thor, Janus and Guan Yu setup for Janus to portal the enemy straight to hell |