Scylla, deals some crushing damage, Ravana doesn't like people trying to take his gold, Chronos gives Anhur the old bait and switch, Hou Yi fires arrows that make Robin Hood jealous, Ymir and Guan Yu fight tooth and nail against the enemy. |
He Bo uses all of his ults, Bellona shows that a god of war will not go gently into the night, Janus sends his snipe through space and time, Hou Yi beats the odds, Ao Kuang pulls out all the stops to keep his life. |
Ao Kuang, Apollo and Athena go on janitor duty. Bacchus and Thor throw hammers and alcohol everywhere. Ullr and Bacchus refuse to be killed. Awilix sets up the perfect trap. Guan Yu comes in with a swinging spear! |
Apollo's flight comes in just in time, Bellona swings her hammer with the might of Rome!, Hou Yi and Cabrakan say no to ganks, Agni and Mercury group up for some fiery punches, Awilix' sharp acrobatics keep her alive |
Neith and Sobek start us off with a flurry of arrows and gods being thrown, Anhur goes against the odds, Fenrir brings Ragnarok down on his enemies, Hou Yi gives the enemy a good reason to leave him alone, ending off with Serqet looking away as her poison does all the work for her |