

Athena and Hades come in with a crushing wombo combo. Ymir, Medusa and Isis defend their tower with impunity. Anubis and Cupid keep each other from falling. Ravana Fights from the brink of death. Chronos decides it's the enemies time to die


Kukulkan blows the enemy away, Serqet outruns everything, Amaterasu sets up Scylla to bring the pain, Hou Yi shows that he is the king of ricochet, and Ra brings the sun in a truly awesome way!

Poseidon releases the Kraken, Xing Tian spins to win, Ares sets up the Janus snipe from across the map, Chiron has jukes for days, and Athena defends the titan against the entire enemy team for a play you don't want to miss!

Tyr turns the tables on Bellona, Ratatoskr, and Neith and Ratatoskr pays with his life, Chang'e retreats and Geb makes the hot play saves and with the help of Anhur and the rest they are able to make the enemy team pay, Hades tries to save Neith but Sylvanus and a well timed death from below save him instead, Rama get's caught out of position and retreats to the sky buying enough time for Geb and company to save him, and Kumba and Cupid get ganked but set up for Mercury to dive in and avenge their deaths.

Mercury and Vulcan wombo combo to avenge Geb, Mercury saves Rama from a tower dive situation, Rama turns a Thor gank around on Xbalanque and then Hun Batz makes a clutch save before the rest of the team shows up, Nu Wa escapes pursuit and then her soldiers and Thor make some MVP plays to get her out alive, Fenrir and Geb stop the enemy team from taking Gold and then tag team their way through the enemy team one by one.

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